

  I am not jealous of rich people because I know what it means to be rich that's no privacy, no movements without guards, living in secured homes(living in total fear), more money more enemies and problems, when you become rich then your door is open to sicknesses that attack rich people only. Example high-blood pressure, heart attacks, and many others. You might be asking yourselves how did I get to know all the above? It's because I was once a rich man until I had a heart attack that made me wake up!!!        .COMEDY DON.


    Have you ever asked yourself the above question? If you never thought about it then it's high time you give it a thought! We spend a lot of time here on earth doing what we think is necessary and yet it's unnecessary. Footmarks mean the impressions left behind after we're gone, or the good memories we leave behind after us. While on the sickbed, one discovers that he or she is leaving no footmarks behind and that's when we discover that there's one book we haven't fully read and that's the book of life. Footmarks, it's not the children you leave behind without the future, not the wealthy left behind that you acquired in a wrong way, not the houses, buildings, and bank accounts loaded with money you leave behind, and not the number of women and men you have slept with. But what will people remember about you after you're gone? For example, Bill gates will not be remembered for his money but will be remembered for the Microsoft he created developed


  A smart woman is interested in a man's expenditures while a silly woman is interested in a man's income! Which one amongst these two women is right? please your comments are highly recommended. Please if you find our blog interesting click on a like button, share, comment, and follow us and you will never miss laughing with us.      . COMEDY DON .


  Please don't take this seriously, it's just a joke or imagination, And am not discouraging you from worshiping God or Jesus.  Maybe the white man's prosperity is because a white Jesus died for their sins, God forgave their sins and that's why they're successful in whatever they do! Maybe a black Jesus should die for our sins so as we can also move forward! because am confused about the black man's problems, what did we do to deserve this suffering? The sin we committed must be a great one since God can't forgive us! Even those who killed Jesus were forgiven. Please share this with your friends if you find it interesting, comment, like it, follow comedy don for future series of jokes, and you won't regret it.     .COMEDY DON.  


At weddings, bridegrooms put on white dresses or gametes. At burial ceremonies, people put on black gametes and black suits. Those playing pool tables will witness that a black ball is potted last after potting all colored balls. If you are no longer interested in talking to someone anymore, the blacklist is the option. Or you have forgotten about black Friday when items are sold twice cheaper than their normal price. The box where the plane's information is stored or kept is a black box. Even in the mortuary, dead bodies are kept in black bags. Vehicles that carry dead bodies to their last destination are painted black. If you happen to have had many problems in a single day, that day can be termed as a black day. In some countries and cultures, widows put on black at least for one year in respect for their fallen husbands. To make the situation more interesting, black Africans are doing all the above without thinking about it, Africans we're brainwashed. Please comment, share


  Ask me how and why so? when you become rich then madness is the next rank to achieve. For example, billionaires and millionaires have got many houses and apartments but the funny thing about it, they live in one out of the many they have. There's one billionaire his house has one hundred rooms and each room has a tv set, with more than ten bathrooms and toilets. Does he use all those rooms? That's madness. They have many cars, do they drive all those cars? madness conquered their brains. In business language, we call that wastage of resources because we have many homeless, sick, and disabled people around the world but we choose to be selfish.  Many will say that am jealousy but am not. Please comment, share it with your friends, click on the like button, follow comedy don, and won't regret it.        . COMEDY DON.


  These are the signs of madness:  talking to yourself, answering unknown calls, admiring your wife, replying unknowingly, wife accusing husband of rape or raping your wife, asking for loans when you have money in your bank account, and many others. please comment, share this with your friends, click on the like button, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it.        . COMEDY DON .


  For me, I don't fear guns but my fear is what comes out of them! These are bullets. In order to abolish armed robbery,  let the prices for bullets rise at least up to two million dollars for a bullet. Believe me, no armed robber will waste two million dollars' bullet to rob anyone or bank, unless he confirmed that there are two and plus million dollars inside the bank.          . COMEDY DON.


 People say that true love is more valuable than money!  And a question follows, Do you believe that? if you do,  how do you pay your bills? is it by a kiss or a hug? Thanks for reading, please comment, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it.          . COMEDY DON . 


She got her good looks from her dad. He's a plastic surgeon. Thanks for reading, please comment, follow comedy don and you won't regret it. . COMEDY DON.


  Son:   who is an idiot?   Dad:   An idiot is a person who tries to explain his ideas in such a strange and prolonged way that other people who are listening to him can't understand him.   Do you understand me? Son:   No dad!!!       .  COMEDY DON.


  They say that for every successful man, a woman must be by his side and that's true. But also every fallen man, a woman must have played a big role. And if you think that am joking, I'll give you examples: Adam received the death penalty is it not because of Eve that led to his punishment? Samson, the strongest man in the Bible, it was also a woman that led to his downfall, and king Solomon the wise king that ever lived, it's a woman that led to his downfall. What about you is it not women that will contribute to your downfalls? Thanks for reading, please comment, share this with you your friends, click on the like button, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it.        .COMEDY DON.


    What are the differences between African politicians and scammers? African politician scams their citizens or within Africa and develops European countries, the USA, and others. While African scammers scam from outside to develop Africa. African politicians scam voters' cards, while scammers scam ATM cards. Thanks for reading, please share it with your friends, comment, click like, follow us, and won't regret it.       .COMEDY DON .


In the mental hospital, a lunatic chases the doctor with a knife. The doctor runs to save his life until he reaches a dead end. The lunatic stops and says, take the knife it's now your turn to chase me!!         .COMEDY DON.


      A man was traveling with his 20 years old son on the train, Dad, see the trees are moving behind shouted his son. There was a couple seated next to them and they looked surprised at the boy. He again shouted dad see clouds are moving with us. And the couple couldn't take it anymore they shouted to the man, you need to teach your son how to behave in public or you need to visit a doctor with him. In fact, we're from the doctor my son was born blind and thanks to the doctors my son can now see, and that's the reason for his behaves, replied the man. The couple was so ashamed and even apologized. please comment, share it with your friends, click on the like button, follow us, and you won't regret it.          . COMEDY DON.


    Alcohol can help you turn an ugly woman into a beautiful one. Yesterday I was in a club and I can only remember two moments, I remember when entering the club and the time I wake up the following day with an ugly woman sleeping by my side. That's alcohol guys I just remembered!          .COMEDY DON.


Everyone is a scammer now, there is nobody to trust and the scam started a long time ago. For example, missionaries who came to Africa gave us bibles and took off with our minerals, Is that not a scam? African leaders when running for elections, they give people rice, maize flour, sugar, salt, and soap. And that is also a scam. A short girl will put on high-heeled shoes, enlarging lips, breasts, and many other, scammers. Even in the bible  Eve became the first human to taste a ''forbidden fruit'' she later gave Adam! Today nobody can show us the forbidden fruit among the current fruits we have, And this means that it's a scam.    . COMEDY DON. 


      For which one of the two you have to prepare yourself most? wedding and marriage or family, Do you know why marriages don't last for long nowadays? Because people don't prepare for marriages, they prepare for weddings and forget what comes next after the wedding. Many people go as far as borrowing or collecting loans in order to play a wedding! A young family starts with loans on their heads and in a few months or years, they will be preparing for divorce. If you find this interesting, please comment, share it with your friends, follow us, and you won't regret it.         .COMEDY DON .


People are being scammed every day by airlines and no one has realized it yet! I will show you how. There're two prominent classes on each plane that's business and cattle or economy classes, economy class is the cheapest while business class is twice or some times three-times expensive compared to cattle class. The most interesting part is that both the business and cattle classes are going to one destination and will arrive at the same time and on the same plane. Please comment, share it with your friends, click like if you like it, follow us, won't regret it.        .COMEDY DON.


     Mother : Is like a blanket that protects you from the cold, an umbrella that prevents rain and sun from reaching you, A bread that you can feed on when your hungry, The water that you can drink when you're thirsty, her love is a medicine that cures your soul, A lawyer that defends you in the court of law even if you're guilty, a place where you can run to for a refugee, and mentor that gives you advice when your life is at stake. Please comment if you find it interesting, share this with your friends, click on the like button, follow comedy don, and won't regret it. .COMEDY DON.