
Showing posts from September, 2020


  Sometimes I wonder what kind of books do American judges read because it's only in America that somebody can live up to 150, 200, and 500 years in prison or even two to three life sentences in prison! My dream is to find myself in American prison because there I have a chance of a long life expectancy.       .COMEDY DON.


Meaning of I'm finished? That's when a snake enters your house, you close all your house doors so as you can kill it. Then suddenly electricity goes off! And finally, you are finished.   .COMEDY DON.

готовим дома

 Иду вечером с работы как ни в чем не бывало , вдруг слышу вой сирен и подойдя ближе клубы черного дыма с нашего дома. Залетаю домой переживаю о жене спросил ее что произошло , она в ответ мне сказала что смотрела видио на ютубе и случайно нажала на рекламу готовим дома))       .КОМЕДИЯ ДОН . 


With family planning, I learned a lot about child spacing. I have five children from five different mothers and living in different countries . And that's what we call family planning .          .COMEDY DON.