
Showing posts from October, 2021


To call 911 in the U.S.A. is another joke, in some countries, we call the police when we're in dangerous situations and when we suspect something, that's when we need the police to intervene and protect us. But in the U.S.A in 2017 a 911 caller was killed by the police. So even in the hands of the police people are not safe in the U.S.A. Please comment, share it with your friends, click like, and follow comedy don, and you won't regret it.       .COMEDY DON.


 There're several definitions for a prostitute: A self-employed woman or lady, a business lady, a public telephone, Both a wholesaler and a retailer, a public swimming pool, and a mobile shop. Please you can also add your definition, Thanks for supporting comedy don, please comment, share this with your friends, click like, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it.          . COMEDY DON .


  My answer is yes, how and why? I'll start with you who's reading this what are your names? Are you not Jons, Peter, Paul, Jessica, Jane, and many of you there. You celebrate your independence every year, yet you still hold colonial names. Am very sure before the coming of Europeans in Africa, Africans had their own names, cultures, traditions, and religions. But all these were destroyed and adapted to the colonial master's own. Even Africa's history was destroyed, And many African schools are teaching European history instead of ours!!! what a pity?    .COMEDY DON.


 When I die, I may not go to heaven because I don't if God lets the blacks in. If  He doesn't allow blacks in, then let me just go to Africa because Africa is the place I know since I have lived! The land that has covered me with love, fed me whenever I was angry, provided shelter for me during times of rain and sun, the land that provided water for me to drink whenever I was thirsty, the only land where even foreigners feel at home.No wonder it's called the mother continent, So when am gone, if God could allow me to go to Africa, I won't complain because it's another heaven.         .COMEDY DON.

A PROPHECY ABOUT COVID-19 PART 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  Whoever is sick should stay inside for at least 7-14 days. (Leviticus13:4-5) And this is all about the quarantines. Please comment, share it with your friends, click like, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it.          .COMEDY DON.


   Keep distance if you have symptoms. Cover your mouth and avoid contact.(Leviticus13:4,5,46) Are you not covering your mouth with a mask? Bible readers prove me wrong that this wasn't a prophecy about Covid-19. Please comment, share it with your friends, click like, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it.           .COMEDY DON.