

In the mental hospital, a lunatic chases the doctor with a knife. The doctor runs to save his life until he reaches a dead end. The lunatic stops and says, take the knife it's now your turn to chase me!!         .COMEDY DON.


      A man was traveling with his 20 years old son on the train, Dad, see the trees are moving behind shouted his son. There was a couple seated next to them and they looked surprised at the boy. He again shouted dad see clouds are moving with us. And the couple couldn't take it anymore they shouted to the man, you need to teach your son how to behave in public or you need to visit a doctor with him. In fact, we're from the doctor my son was born blind and thanks to the doctors my son can now see, and that's the reason for his behaves, replied the man. The couple was so ashamed and even apologized. please comment, share it with your friends, click on the like button, follow us, and you won't regret it.          . COMEDY DON.


    Alcohol can help you turn an ugly woman into a beautiful one. Yesterday I was in a club and I can only remember two moments, I remember when entering the club and the time I wake up the following day with an ugly woman sleeping by my side. That's alcohol guys I just remembered!          .COMEDY DON.


Everyone is a scammer now, there is nobody to trust and the scam started a long time ago. For example, missionaries who came to Africa gave us bibles and took off with our minerals, Is that not a scam? African leaders when running for elections, they give people rice, maize flour, sugar, salt, and soap. And that is also a scam. A short girl will put on high-heeled shoes, enlarging lips, breasts, and many other, scammers. Even in the bible  Eve became the first human to taste a ''forbidden fruit'' she later gave Adam! Today nobody can show us the forbidden fruit among the current fruits we have, And this means that it's a scam.    . COMEDY DON. 


      For which one of the two you have to prepare yourself most? wedding and marriage or family, Do you know why marriages don't last for long nowadays? Because people don't prepare for marriages, they prepare for weddings and forget what comes next after the wedding. Many people go as far as borrowing or collecting loans in order to play a wedding! A young family starts with loans on their heads and in a few months or years, they will be preparing for divorce. If you find this interesting, please comment, share it with your friends, follow us, and you won't regret it.         .COMEDY DON .


People are being scammed every day by airlines and no one has realized it yet! I will show you how. There're two prominent classes on each plane that's business and cattle or economy classes, economy class is the cheapest while business class is twice or some times three-times expensive compared to cattle class. The most interesting part is that both the business and cattle classes are going to one destination and will arrive at the same time and on the same plane. Please comment, share it with your friends, click like if you like it, follow us, won't regret it.        .COMEDY DON.


     Mother : Is like a blanket that protects you from the cold, an umbrella that prevents rain and sun from reaching you, A bread that you can feed on when your hungry, The water that you can drink when you're thirsty, her love is a medicine that cures your soul, A lawyer that defends you in the court of law even if you're guilty, a place where you can run to for a refugee, and mentor that gives you advice when your life is at stake. Please comment if you find it interesting, share this with your friends, click on the like button, follow comedy don, and won't regret it. .COMEDY DON.


 A man died and then appeared before God for judgment, God gave him a chance to choose where he would like to go. That's either heaven or hell and God allowed him to inspect first before taking his choice. He decided to inspect hell first, on his arrival in hell he was surprised by what he saw. People were busy drinking beer, wine, dancing, singing, enjoyment everywhere, and money in all corners. He inspected heaven also, there people were worshiping, singing, and praising God. Then he finally came back to God and told Him that his choice is hell! Are you sure? God asked. On his arrival to hell for the second time, he was again surprised because this time people were crying out in agony and asking for help and there was nothing like enjoyment! So he asked one man who was crying out loudly, what's going on here? what I saw here on my first arrival is the opposite of what am seeing now. A trick the man replied to him, that's how newcomers are tricked into making their wrong c


      When I was a millionaire, I dreamt of being a billionaire but when I became one. then I discovered that when you're a billionaire, even your problems are also counted in billions! As I was still thinking about how to handle my billion problems, then I woke up and discovered that even I had nothing to eat in my house! thanks for reading please share, comment, click on the like button, follow us, and you won't regret it.         .COMEDY DON.


  The earth rotates but since I was born still in one place and I have not changed my location. Scientists are true liars and they have succeeded in convincing us that the earth is rotating! How come that the minority convinced the majority? And all of you believe in that crap except me! please comment, share, click on the like button, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it.           .COMEDY DON.


  Your freedom, peace, and enjoyment end on the day you decide to get married and this applies to men. Sometimes I hear people saying that when you get married, your life changes positively! liars, life changes negatively. When you're single your in heaven and when get married then you find yourself in hell! Thanks for reading, please comment, share, like, and follow comedy don and you won't regret it.         . COMEDY DON.


      There's no great teacher you can ever compare to poverty! It doesn't spoil anyone, unlike riches. It only teaches lessons while luxuries can spoil anybody, that's why those who have ever tasted and survived poverty prefer to stay rich to going back to poverty. I know you're asking how did I get to know this? it's because I have ever been in Poverty, tasted riches and now again I'm back home! If you find it interesting please share it with your friends, comment, click on the like button, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it.       .COMEDY DON.


Wife: Why were you looking at other women and yet I was with you? Husband: You women are lucky because you have one brain.   Wife: What do you mean by that? Husband: Men have two brains, that's the upper and the down( between the legs) brains. Wife: How do they work? Husband: They don't and will never work at the same time, And they always have disagreements. Husband: The second brain has put many men in problems. please, share, comment, like and follow us, and believe us you will never regret it.        .COMEDY DON.


  It's called football and yet there's a goalkeeper, to make matters worse there's a punishment for handball. The situation is more interesting when twenty grown-up men chasing one ball and with fans watching them. It's a very funny game indeed, please comment, share it with your friends, like, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it.         .COMEDY DON.


No, there's no corruption in Africa but armed robbers, corrupt men carry a portion of what the country has peacefully while armed robbers carry all that the country has by force leaving nothing for the country. Therefore Africa has armed robbers as leaders who are clearing  Africa's treasuries. If you find it interesting please comment, share it with your friends, click on the like button, follow us, and you won't regret it.           .COMEDY DON.


      Many people think that  Adam was punished for eating the fruit, No he was punished for his wrong answer to God's question. Simple question concerning his geographical location but not his physical status or appearance. God asked where he was, am naked answered Adam, and even after eating the fruit, Adam was still an idiot making him the first man ever to be punished for giving a wrong answer to a question. Therefore God sentenced mankind to death because of Adam's answer. Please if you find it interesting, comment, share it with your friends, click on the like button, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it.            .COMEDY DON.


        As people are dying of new improved diseases and viruses in some parts of the world, only in Africa where its people are dying of diseases that were born in 1915(Aids) and its friend poverty born in the first century! It's painful that people in some parts of the world are dying of improved technologies like Covid-19, bird flu, swine flu, and many others. Please if you find it interesting, comment, share it with your friends, click on the like button, follow us, and you won't regret it.       .COMEDY DON.


  J ust imagine your girlfriend comes to visit you and she's somebody's wife, and when the time comes for you to dig where you didn't plant anything only to discover that you don't have condoms in your house. You decide to go and buy some, as you're crossing the road back after buying them, the car knocks you to death. Then you appear before God for judgment with your condoms at hand! Please just judge yourself, Do you stand a chance to enter heaven with such evidence at hand?  What will you tell God? Please comment, share it with your friends, click on the like button, follow comedy don, and won't regret it.             .COMEDY DON.  


   please let us learn how to respect any woman found on the street because she may be somebody's mother. Even if you don't know her, she deserves respect. It takes nine months to have a baby and do you know what she goes through in those nine months?  Many mothers lose their lives during labor and after labor, she spends sleepless nights with you. when you were sick, she spent sleepless nights, you were thirsty, she gave you what to drink and she never dumped you. After growing into adults, we forget them. We spend time, money, and love on our so-called boyfriends, girlfriends, wives, husbands, friends, and others but not with our mothers. All the above can appear many times in your life but a mother comes once in a lifetime and can't be replaced. We make several calls to our friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, wives, and husbands in a day but who remembers his or her mother in a day? If your reading this please pick your mobile phone call your mother and thank her for givin


  An alcoholic was knocked by a car and died on the spot then he appeared before God for judgment and the following day he woke up, he was surprised to see that people around him were crying, asking for forgiveness and for help! Then he asked what had happened? or who died? where are my children and wife? Then started mourning for his family! you died and you're in hell said the man seated by his side. He lost two chances in life, to explain himself before God and we all don't know what questions did God ask him and how he answered because he was drunk!!!      .COMEDY DON .