The Bible tells us to forgive our enemies but nowhere it urges us to forget their names too. Please comment, share this with your friends, click like, and follow comedy don, and you won't regret it. Thanks for supporting comedy don.
The Bible tells us to forgive our enemies but nowhere it urges us to forget their names too. Please comment, share this with your friends, click like, and follow comedy don, and you won't regret it. Thanks for supporting comedy don.
God is smart, He hides His place of residence! just imagine that we all knew where He lives, with the kind of weapons and problems we have today, He won't be alive today believe me!! Please comment, share this with your friends and groups, click like, and follow comedy don and you won't regret it.
Just imagine that God announced the day He will be visiting the planet earth!! People will prepare in different ways, and these are the people who will meet Him:
Those who will praise Him.
those who pray every day and yet they're still poor!!
People with different problems will also meet Him.
Those who will ask for forgiveness.
Those who will carry stones to meet Him!
Those with guns, booms, fighter jets, and chemical weapons will also prepare to meet Him!!
Those who will avoid meeting Him because they don't want to commit murder!!
Believe me, God won't win this war!!! Please comment, and share this with your friends and groups, click like, and follow comedy don and you won't regret it.
Although Africans are the best runners ( sprinters), we have failed to escape from poverty!! Please comment, share this with your friends and groups, click like, and follow comedy don and you won't regret it.
The brain for women works 24 hours a day without resting or stopping, unlike men's two brains that work in intervals ie when the upper one is working, the lower one is on a pause, and vice versa. The men's lower brain has caused and led many into problems and sometimes to death!! Guess the men's lower brain!! Please comment, share this with your friends, click like, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it.
If a wife hides her mobile telephone from her husband, that's one of the signs of a cheating wife! But if a husband hides his mobile telephone from his wife, he's trying to protect or avoid his marriage's breakup!!! Please comment, share this with your friends and groups, click like, and follow comedy don and you won't regret it.
I witnessed what am about to tell you, I saw a lunatic crossing the road, he looked left and right, then looked at his back and front to avoid cars that could have knocked him from either back or front! And finally looked up in order to avoid flying cars!! Have you ever heard of or seen a lunatic caught in an accident? They are very careful while crossing the road but every day we witness normal people being knocked down by cars. And I came to the conclusion that all humans are mad and there are different levels of madness!! Please comment, share this with your friends and groups, and click like, follow comedy don and you won't regret it.
Even at 70 and plus years old, you can still get a job, and if you think that am joking ask Princess Charles or king Charles the third!!! He has gotten himself a job after the death of his mother( the queen). Therefore never give up searching for a job. Please comment, share this with your friends and groups, click like, and follow comedy don and you won't regret it.
Genesis, 1:1, In the beginning, God created heaven and earth!! Today in almost all churches, they tell us that God lives in heaven, and a question follows: Where was God living before He created heaven and earth? Please Bible writers or scholars feel pitty for the masses when telling false information!! Please comment, share this with your groups and friends, and click like, follow comedy don and you won't regret it.
Did you know that the first teacher in history never attended any school? Have you ever thought about that? Imagine, Please your answers ar...