As a man and a woman were sleeping, a doorbell rang, wake up quickly my husband is back said the woman. Then the man woke up, jumped through the window, and on reaching outside he then realized that he was the husband!!!! Please comment, Share this with your friends and groups, Click like, and follow comedy don and you won't regret it.   

               .COMEDY DON.


 God created man first before He created woman. Because He prevented confusion and advice from the woman! If He had created woman first, believe me, God might have not finished the creation process till today. Please comment, Click like, and Share this with your friends and groups, follow comedy don and you won't regret it.

               .COMEDY DON.


 Tourists arrived in Ethiopia, and they decided to go to a remote tribe to surprise and make fun of the inhabitants. They came by car and here they are surrounded by a crowd of people, all looking admiringly at what kind of iron on wheels. Well, the tourists decided, if they were surprised by the simple car, now let's turn on the music, let's see everyone scattered, scared of what the sound was. The turn came to surprise with something else, one suggested turning on the headlights, and then everyone began like a campfire, trying to light a cigarette. The tourists watched and burst out laughing, someone offered to record all this on video and went to the trunk, but it was empty. While everyone was staring at the residents and laughing, they pulled out a camera and stuff worth of 20 thousand dollars. when they started asking where the missing things were, no one answered, they didn’t seem to know the language. When they left with nothing, the natives began to laugh at them, here are some more fools.  

      .COMEDY DON.


 When a husband is wrong, he apologizes but when a wife is wrong, she will explain until her husband finds himself guilty. For example, my wife slapped me and immediately she started crying accusing me of having made her slap me! And I started apologizing and asking her to calm down! Please comment, click like, and share our posts with your friends and groups, follow Comedy Don, and you won't regret it.  

            .COMEDY DON.


 The Bible tells us to forgive our enemies but nowhere it urges us to forget their names too. Please comment, share this with your friends, click like, and follow comedy don, and you won't regret it. Thanks for supporting comedy don.

       .COMEDY DON. 


 God is smart, He hides His place of residence! just imagine that we all knew where He lives, with the kind of weapons and problems we have today, He won't be alive today believe me!! Please comment, share this with your friends and groups, click like, and follow comedy don and you won't regret it.

                .COMEDY DON.


    Just imagine that God announced the day He will be visiting the planet earth!! People will prepare in different ways, and these are the people who will meet Him:

Those who will praise Him.

those who pray every day and yet they're still poor!! 

People with different problems will also meet Him.

Those who will ask for forgiveness.

Those who will carry stones to meet Him!

Those with guns, booms, fighter jets, and chemical weapons will also prepare to meet Him!!

Those who will avoid meeting Him because they don't want to commit murder!!

Believe me, God won't win this war!!! Please comment, and share this with your friends and groups, click like, and follow comedy don and you won't regret it.

         .COMEDY DON.


 Although Africans are the best runners ( sprinters), we have failed to escape from poverty!! Please comment, share this with your friends and groups, click like, and follow comedy don and you won't regret it.

              .COMEDY DON.


      The brain for women works 24 hours a day without resting or stopping, unlike men's two brains that work in intervals ie when the upper one is working, the lower one is on a pause, and vice versa. The men's lower brain has caused and led many into problems and sometimes to death!! Guess the men's lower brain!! Please comment, share this with your friends, click like, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it.

            .COMEDY DON.


  If a wife hides her mobile telephone from her husband, that's one of the signs of a cheating wife! But if a husband hides his mobile telephone from his wife, he's trying to protect or avoid his marriage's breakup!!! Please comment, share this with your friends and groups, click like, and follow comedy don and you won't regret it.

          .COMEDY DON.


  In the last centuries, men were looking for virgins and married virgin girls, unlike today where men are looking for experienced ladies! I mean women who have played their matches national wide and internationally wide! ( women with experience in bed) And that's why a twenty years old boy is marrying fifty years old woman because of her experience! Please comment, share our posts with your groups and friends, click like, and follow comedy don and you won't regret it.
                    .COMEDY DON.


 I witnessed what am about to tell you, I saw a lunatic crossing the road, he looked left and right, then looked at his back and front to avoid cars that could have knocked him from either back or front! And finally looked up in order to avoid flying cars!! Have you ever heard of or seen a lunatic caught in an accident? They are very careful while crossing the road but every day we witness normal people being knocked down by cars. And I came to the conclusion that all humans are mad and there are different levels of madness!! Please comment, share this with your friends and groups, and click like, follow comedy don and you won't regret it.  

            .COMEDY DON.


 Even at 70 and plus years old, you can still get a job, and if you think that am joking ask Princess Charles or king Charles the third!!! He has gotten himself a job after the death of his mother( the queen). Therefore never give up searching for a job. Please comment, share this with your friends and groups, click like, and follow comedy don and you won't regret it.

       .COMEDY DON.


 Genesis, 1:1,  In the beginning, God created heaven and earth!! Today in almost all churches, they tell us that God lives in heaven, and a question follows: Where was God living before He created heaven and earth? Please Bible writers or scholars feel pitty for the masses when telling false information!! Please comment, share this with your groups and friends, and click like, follow comedy don and you won't regret it.

           .COMEDY DON.


 -  If your wife starts calling you unknown names while in the garden of Eden!

- When your wife starts receiving expensive gifts from her friends regularly!

- When your wife starts mentioning names of guys you don't know in her dreams!

-  When she starts visiting her mother regularly!

- When your wife starts passing nights at her friends' regularly!

- If your wife starts attending night services in her church!

Please add more to my list by commenting, share this with your friends and groups, and click like, follow comedy don and you won't regret it.

          .COMEDY DON.


 When one person dies in an accident in a bus carrying 100 people! bad luck.

When a cockroach collides with hungry birds! bad luck.

When a hunter collides with hungry lions! bad luck.

When a thief collides with armed robbers! bad luck.

When a priest collides with a witch doctor! bad luck.

When a man dreams of marrying a virgin prostitute! bad dream. Please comment, share this with your friends and groups, click like, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it. 

          .COMEDY DON.


 When a husband beats a wife it's called domestic violence but when a wife beats a husband to death, it's called self-defense. This life is unbalanced!!! Please comment, and share this with your friends and groups, click like, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it.

              .COMEDY DON.


 Kindly guess the animal that walks on four legs in the morning, then on two legs in the afternoon, and finally on three legs in the evening? Your answers are kindly welcomed, please comment, share this with your friends and groups, click like, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it.

        .COMEDY DON.


 Just imagine, your girlfriend comes to visit you, when you reach the time to visit the garden of Eden then you realize that you don't have bullet proves(condoms) you decide to go and buy some, and on your way back as you're crossing the road the car knocks you down to death!  Then you appear before God with the evidence at hand. How are you going to explain it to God? Your answers are welcomed, please comment, share this with your friends and groups, click like, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it. 

            .COMEDY DON.


 There's only one thing that makes a man happy 'respect' but to make a woman happy involves a lot of things. For example, love her, buy her a car, buy her a house, become her bank account, help her while cooking, protect her, be her lawyer, become inferior to her, take her enemies to be yours, take her bullets to save her life, and after taking her bullets then you will finally rest in peace!! I have just shown you that women require a lot in the relationship compared to men. Please comment, share this with your friends and groups, click like, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it.

            .COMEDY DON.


 To be honest I prefer tough and serious racism but not like that of today! For example, a black man or woman is called a monkey by Europeans, Asians, Americans, and Australians, that's an old story! I like the kind of racism which's more serious or at least like that during the apartheid policy from 1948 to 1994 in South Africa where all blacks knew which roads to use, which schools to attend, and which hospitals to go to. That's the kind of racism I respect, but not like that of nowadays. Please don't misunderstand me, Am a black man(African). Comment, share this with your groups and friends, and click like, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it. Thanks for supporting us.

          .COMEDY DON.


One day my wife asked me if I can be her best friend, of course, I answered. The next thing I saw was a bottle of wine on the table and we started drinking as best friends, as we were drinking she started telling me how she was tired of her husband, that she has been cheating on him for many years, and that she even has a boyfriend!! What will you do to her after waking up?  Dreams are not good, just imagine am not even married. Thanks for supporting us, please comment, and share comedy don's posts with your friends, and groups, click like, follow comedy don and you will never regret it. 

                            .COMEDY DON.



  What's the name of the dog that never barks or bites? Your answers are highly recommended, Please comment, share this with your friends, click like, follow comedy don, and you won't miss our future jokes or funny questions.

         .COMEDY DON.


 The rich are getting richer do you know why? A rich man will render a small help to a poor man, then the poor man will pray a million times for the rich man's wealth to be doubled!! As you pray for the rich man's wealth to be doubled, your poverty is also doubled. We always forget to pray for ourselves. If you think that it's not true, next time you go to the church count the rich people in there and the poor then prove me wrong!  Please comment, share comedy don's posts with your friends, click like, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it, thanks for being a great supporter.

       .COMEDY DON.


 The doctor hopes you get sick, The lawyers hope you get sued, Police hope you're a criminal, The mechanics hope you get into car trouble, The funeral agencies wish you death, The judge awaits to judge you, But only thieves that wish you prosperity. Please comment, click like, share this with your friends, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it.

             .COMEDY DON.


 The world bank has issued an arrest warrant to arrest  Mr. Poverty and his followers! So if you're among of His followers, please take off. And let your neighbor know about it! Please comment, share comedy don's posts with your friends and groups, click like, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it, thanks for being a great supporter. 

        .COMEDY DON.


 I welcome you all to the 21 century where:

 Men marry men( gay marriages)

Women marry women!!!

Mobile phones are wireless.

A married couple decides to be childfree!!!

Homeless are more than those sheltered.

Politicians are shameless!

Both men and women are practicing bestiality(having sex with animals)

Incest is encouraged( E.g there're some states that allow  incest in the U.S)

Marriages are no longer prolonged!!!

Drugs are legalized in some countries!

The rich people monopolize the markets!! 

The poor triples the rich ones in the world!!

Children are suing their parents in court!!! And that's called civilization in your own understanding!!!! Please comment, share this with your friends and groups, like, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it, thanks for supporting us.

      .COMEDY DON.


 God created man from the dust while a woman from a bone. Being made out of the dust, Adam left history as the first man ever to fail exams. God asked him a simple question concerning his whereabouts( geographical location) And due to the dust he had in his head, I'm naked Adam answered God! Therefore God decided to punish the idiot. Women are wiser, smarter, and stronger emotionally because they were made out of bones. Please comment, share it with your friends, click on the like button, follow us, and you won't regret it.

      .COMEDY DON.                                     


 America is very funny, did you know that in the U.S.A, a dog can be sentenced to prison or even sentenced to death depending on the crime committed. A judge and the defense lawyer will decide whether the dog is guilty or innocent. America and its judges are very funny because sentencing a dog to prison or to death row, it's like sentencing a toddler because she or he can't defend themselves in the court of law!!! Please comment, share this with your friends and groups, click like if you find it interesting, follow comedy don for future jokes, and you won't regret it.

       .COMEDY DON.


 In my church where I go for prayers, one brother bought a T-shirt with a word written on it "Devil" because he didn't know how to read English!!! Then a sister in the church helped him to translate it for him, He then decided to remove the letter ''D'', and now from the devil to evil. That's how the devil penetrated into our church and turned worshippers into evil!! Please comment, click like, share this with your friends, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it.

            .COMEDY DON.


 Imagine you're in the middle of the ocean, your outboard engine has stopped working or you ran out of fuel, and before you know it you're boat is surrounded by sharks and you have no other option left, what will you do to save yourself from the sharks? Please your answers are highly regarded and welcomed. Comment, share this with your friends if you find it interesting, click like, please stop your imaginations and follow comedy don, and you won't miss our future jokes and funny questions like this.

       . COMEDY DON.


 The role I acted or played like a poor man back in my primary school has become a member of my life. I never knew that God will take it seriously that the role I acted on back in school will be my future!! Guys be careful with what role you choose to act while in school. A friend of mine acted as a beggar while we were in school 25 years ago, recently I met him in town begging! Please comment, share this with your friends, click like, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it.

          .COMEDY DON. 


  My seven-year-old son told me that he had a hearing impairment, and decided to take him to an otolaryngologist. Then he whispered sweets into his ears, where is it? replied my son in a whisper! That's how the doctor cured my son's hearing problem!!!! Please comment, share this with your friends, relatives, and groups, click like if you find it interesting, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it. 

       .COMEDY DON.


  A woman whose husband earns more than she can ever spend.

  A woman whose late husband willed all his wealth to her.

 A woman who marries a rich man today and the next day he's dead!

 A woman who hates and related to Mr poverty but befriends and marries Mr. Richard. Please comment, share this with your friends and groups, click like if you find it interesting, follow comedy don, and you won't regret it. 

         .COMEDY DON.


When my time comes for me to die, I want to die like my Uncle who died peacefully in his sleep. But not like the passengers who died screaming out for help in his bus! Please comment, share this with your friends and groups, click like if you find it interesting, follow comedy for future jokes, and you won't regret it. 

        .COMEDY DON.



 Did you know that the first teacher in history never attended any school? Have you ever thought about that? Imagine, Please your answers ar...